Monday, 15 October 2012

tips.. 6 - 10

Hello guys....
ok. Today I want to share with you all other tips "how to improve your English"

Only search in English.
You know what it mean? When you want to find something with Google, yahoo or others, you can find the word in English.. So that you will find the information in English..and try to read and understand what the information that given. It can help you to know more new word and you can practice to use the word.

Speak in English with your friends.
Are you shy to speaking?? I also shy to speak in English with my friends. But, you know it is are right way to improve our English. If we try to talk everyday in English we can learn a new word and we can remember the word. It also can give more confident to speak in English.

Read and learn everything in English
For example you want do your assignment, and you must have a reference book to get the info and help you to complete the assignment. Try to get the info from reference that use English version. It also can help you to improve your English

Read English Children books.
 The sound like not interesting, right.. ha..but it is very useful for you. It is because the children books are use a simple word and easy for you to understand. All the story so interesting and have a value for you.

 Keep a list of language to learn e.g. A vocab list
choosing which words you need to learn and writing them down on a special list can help you to learn and remember.

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